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Social Audit in detail

 Social Audit Introduction

 • Social audit as a term was used as far back as the 1950s. Howard R Bowen developed social audit concept in USA in 50’s. Kreps Theodore J is regarded as the founding father of social audit concept.

 • There has been a flurry of activity and interest in the last seven to eight years in India and neighboring countries.

 • Social audit is based on the principle that democratic local governance should be carried out, as far as possible, with the consent and understanding of all concerned. It is thus a process and not an event.

 • Social audit is a technique used for finding out how the social responsibilities are being discharged by a business unit.

 • Used for judging social responsive ness of companies.

 • A performance appraisal technique –evaluates performance in relation to ecological balance, welfare employees, consumer protection, community service, etc

 • It monitors, appraise & measures social contribution of business 

What is a social audit?

 • A social audit is a way of measuring, understanding, reporting and ultimately improving an organization’s social and ethical performance.

 • A social audit helps to narrow gaps between vision/goal and reality, between efficiency and effectiveness.

 • It values the voice of stakeholders, including marginalized/poor groups whose voices are rarely heard.

 • Social auditing is taken up for the purpose of enhancing local governance, particularly for strengthening accountability and transparency in local bodies.

 • The key difference between development and social audit is that a social audit focuses on the neglected issue of social impacts, while a development audit has a broader focus including environment and economic issues, such as the efficiency of a project or programme.

 Features of Social audit 

• Systematic evaluation

 • Measure social performance

 • Conducted on regular intervals

 • Wide coverage

 • Supplement to social responsibility

 • Acts as a guide 

• Subjective in nature 

• Diff from commercial audit

 • Diff to conduct 

• Voluntary in character 

 Need of Social Audit 

• Social consciousness

 • Monitor unethical practice

 • Social accountability

 • Informative system 

• Evaluating performance

 Objectives of social audit

 • Assessing the physical and financial gaps between needs and resources available for local development.

 • Creating awareness among beneficiaries and providers of local social and productive services. • Increasing efficacy and effectiveness of local development programmes.

 • Scrutiny of various policy decisions, keeping in view stakeholder interests and priorities, particularly of rural poor. 

 • Estimation of the opportunity cost for stakeholders of not getting timely access to public services.

 Advantages of social audit

 (a) Trains the community on participatory local planning.

 (b) Encourages local democracy.

 (c) Encourages community participation.

 (d) Benefits disadvantaged groups.

 (e) Promotes collective decision making and sharing responsibilities.

 (f) Develops human resources and social capital limitation 

• Complicated & time consuming

 • No clear methodology 

• Difficult define the scope

 • Subjective 

• Lack qualified trainers 

• Limited practical utility


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